...fasten your race chains


Thesis Week

So the first full version of my honors senior thesis is due this Friday. As in, like, less than two days from now. So naturally, I have been doing everything but working on it. I woke up this morning and went on a ride with Axel. Then I went to art class. Now I'm thinking of taking a little nap while my wheat bread rises. Ugh. I need to get sh*t done. I guess a trip to the library is in store...

My big question, though, is where are all those thunderstorms that were predicted for this afternoon?

I'm getting really excited for racing. Notre Dame is this weekend. Wild Card Training Camp in SoIll is next week !!!!! Hillsboro is in two weeks. And way off in the distance are the Memorial Day weekend races. I'm pumped! If only I could channel this energy into writing.

Okay, that's enough complaining for one day. Time to take a nap.

(Kidding! Kidding!)

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