I'm sick with a cold ugh.
Portland has been treating us great; high 40's and getting used to the rain. Beautiful rides, views of Mt. Hood on clear days, lots of green grass and daffodils in January, vegan food everywhere, early morning commutes to work ^_^
The racing scene has be a bit perplexed. You don't even have to train out here during the summer, there are so many races. (Though Joach would not condone this.) I'm contemplating joining a certain team if it turns out to be a good fit for all. Group ride tomorrow at 11 (not too early!!!!!) and I hope I'm fit enough to go by then. We'll see.
I started doing plyometrics at lunch, and I've felt the burn all week. Trying to increase my POWER! I'm pretty strong and light and fit, but I'm not super quick. My jump is awful. My sprint is worse. So, I'm trying to work on it by doing some plyometric exercises and sprint workouts (forthcoming..). I'm optimistic!
Also I'm following this easy training plan to work up to doing 100 BOY pushups. My upper body is hella weak, and I found myself being slowed down over barriers during cross season when my bike got heavy and caked with mud. Monday my max was 3 pushups, and now it's 10 ! Wooooooooot
Ok...and I ordered a pair of running shoes. Saucony running shoes; like, real running shoes, not the flat footed kind you wear for fashion. Got to start running for this sprint triathlon I'm doing with everyone at work in May. More about that later....
Um, so I've been resting since i woke up and still sick.. now I will make a kale honey ginger emergenC orange smoothie and try to get well. uh. welcome back to fastgrrrlz...
Hoorogging!! (Hooray blogging)
As a reward for updating FastGrrrlz, I shall share with you my secret for avoiding and/or killing colds: continue with your healthy diet, just eat a lot more than normal. Ride an hour easy/moderate on the trainer with no fan--just get hot and sweaty. Then shower and stay warm the rest of the day. Wear a scarf if necessary--they're sexy in any case (is that a weird fetish?). Congratulations, now you have your healths back.
Wow Anona, you can do more pushups than me now!
I look forward to hearing more about the fast grrrlz exploits again.
thanks dudes :-)
hey frenchy--is your sister's name elizabeth? i shipped a pair of castelli shorts to an elizabeth french in georgia and thought maybe it was you sister. now i know the odds are slim because there are a gazillion frenchies, but it was a funny thought, however creepy. how are u and the fam and the bike?
Ya want awesome plyo cross-training that is loads of FUN to boot? Pick up a of skis. Better yet - slalom racing skis, boots, helmet, shin guards, and pole guards. That beautiful Mt. Hood is not just a backdrop. It's home to year-round skiing and race training. Doh! I'm jealous.
BTW, my sprint sucks too, but it is best in the spring. Why? Ski racing. After I put the skis away, I focus on slow-twitch (by choice - triathlon.) Plus, my natural ability to sprint is still somewhere between that of a turtle and a tree sloth. But skiing elevates me to about a panda.
haha :-) thanks scott yea, i would love to start skiing out here!!
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