...fasten your race chains


Oh Noes!

Axel is Broke.


Dr. K said...

Shitters...Tell dylan to heal quickly, and to stop inhaling safety pins.

Ragfield said...

Yikes, that sucks. Although I'd be more worried about the safety pins in his lungs...

epon said...

Crap !! Get better soon Axle. Im guessing this is race related destruction ?

Axel said...

yeah, downers grove but not in either of the "dangerous" corners. i either clipped a pedal or my bike decided to shift on its own (known to happen). hit the curb and ate chit into the grass. a plate and screws have made it all better...sort of... keep the rubber down

epon said...

Heal up quick, I hear plates and screws make you faster. That musta been a pretty wet and wild race.

SiouxGeonz said...

Knit fast! Ouch...

Anona said...

aw axel! I'm sorry! did youreally eat the safety pins?