...fasten your race chains


Happy Tuesday!

awww... feel better A.Miles!



1. The University of Illinois Library: I think this will be the thing I miss most about Champaign-Urbana once I get out of here. I am a nerd. Deal with it.

2. Brussel Sprouts: I don't know what everyone was complaining about as children. Brussel Sprouts are cheap, filling and delicious.

3. Free Espresso Royale from WPGU: I'm going to let you all in on a secret... WPGU has great giveaways and very few people call in to win them. Call in the mornings at 8:40am for free Espresso Royal travel mugs and a free coffee drink. I bet if you try every day for a week you'll win at least once....

4. Snot Rockets: I've been trying to learn for quite a while now. Last week was my first successful execution.


1. Hair Cuts: The whole process is just so awkward! Everyone has been there-- you have to make conversation about stupid things like the weather or pets or children (bleh). And everything goes immediately down hill when the inevitable question of what type of "product" "color" or "styling regime" I use. I generally respond with a, "Um... none of the above?". This answer is usually followed by a scolding, a lecture on the joys of "product" and a subsequent sales pitch for a bottle of $30 dollar shampoo. And then you have to tip the person cutting your hair, regardless of whether you actually like the hair cut, and they see the amount as they enter your debit card information into the computer register thing. I like to tip well for these sorts of things, but talk about tacky...

2. Unsuccessful Snot Rockets. I think that's pretty self explanatory....

3. Still waiting for that Power Tap.....


Anonymous said...

Snot rockets are wonderful...when executed well, and when you actually have time to shoot them (see: me at the Murray State crit...).
I would like to take this moment to take back something I had previously commented on; shower smoothies. Sorry Anona, I was wrong...I came back from a ride today, freezing cold, with only a nalgene full of cold recovery drink to welcome me...and the perfect remedy was a steamy hot shower that warmed both me and my tasty beverage. Couple that with some shower-stretching time, and it was a rather productive use of time. I am now an advocate of wintertime shower-stretch-smoothie time.

Anona said...

hahahahahaaa see? Well done Morgan, well done.