...fasten your race chains


Drum roll, please.....

FastGRRRLZ would like to present this week's Reader of the Week award to:

Our very own WILD CARD CYCLING Managing Director, Karl Crapse.

Thanks, Karl, for following FastGRRRLZ and for contributing lively commentary. You are a true example for FastGRRRLZ readers everywhere.

To everyone else, stay tuned this week for the latest excitement in the world of FastGRRRLZ, including (but not limited to):

1. Watching plants grow
2. Waiting for power taps
3. Eating breakfast
4. Waiting for mail
and hopefully
5. Riding bikes

Can't wait? Neither can we....

1 comment:

QuickKarl said...

why thank you for such a fine and dubious award..i Will cherish it.
i better see both of you and your boyfriends at Sat's training ride.