...fasten your race chains


To the Hipster Betch on the Green Mercier....

You are the reason people don't like cyclists. Be courteous to pedestrians, obey traffic signals, and learn how to ride a bike.


Anonymous said...

Ha, was he tallish? I think I might know him and he is kind of hysterically pathetic.

bCHAN said...

No, it was actually some stupid hipster chic, although maybe they know each other, because her bike handling was certainly hysterically pathetic.

Anona said...

was this the hipster ass Mercier that is often parked outside of the apple store and wpgu ? its bright green and obviously bought on ebay.

(and do we have a new reader? ahem....erik...eh

Anonymous said...

Apparently Becky saw a different hipstery Mercier. However, the one parked by the apple store belongs to the fellow I was talking about... yes, he works there.

He also totally upgraded to those bitchin white wheels. I gave up actively making fun of him a long time ago.